Wednesday, April 20, 2011

down in the dumps

So I am not having the best week, just down a little and pretty overwhelmed! Once May hits I am going to be going non stop with work & wedding stuff - I am trying to prepare myself. Everything right now is pretty low key though so I am getting kind of nervous that I won't be able to keep up once everything starts getting crazy!

The bridesmaid's dresses are in, I won't be able to see them for a week or two but I hope they look great! My dress is in between somewhere in China and Louisville, KY. Who knows! I hope it arrives soon cause it is getting down to crunch time for fittings and making sure everything is in order! The bridal store says that it should be there in a week or two.

Matt & I put down a deposit on our first apartment together! We are staying in BG, we had hoped to move towards Nashville but everything we looked at was way over priced for the amount of space we would be getting. We figured we might as well stay put until Matt graduates and we have more income to put towards a nice place close to Nashville.

Everyone is starting to get their invitations, my mom sent them out last week and she has gotten about 20 reply cards back which is exciting! I hope everyone replies so I don't have to call people... that would not be fun!

I have been doing my TurboFire workout for about a week now and it is crazy! At first I did not think it was that bad, but then I had my first HIIT workout yesterday (which means high intensity interval training) I almost died!!!! Oh my gosh, it was insane! I hope to keep it up and stay on track. Well that is what I have been up to lately! Cheers to a great week!

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