Monday, November 21, 2011

I'm Back!

I have been a non blogger for so long (July was my last post! eek!) and there is a reason behind my absence. Blogging reminded me of the wedding and I was so disappointed by some elements of the wedding that it was very hard to get over. I know to some of you that may sound so silly and many times I have tried to tell myself to stop being so critical and to get over it - which I am working on and that is why I am trying to blog more again. I am hoping that blogging will be my outlet and help me put all the little things behind me, because after all I am happily married to my best friend and that is what matters!

BUT you have to realize that I work in the wedding business and I see multiple beautiful weddings EVERY weekend. It is hard to see it first hand and compare it to mine, I just can't help it. There are so many things that I would change about my wedding, I know that there is no way to have it all and I would have to have A LOT of money to pull off my dream wedding (maybe someday!). Working as a floral designer at a premier event and wedding florist is amazing, the work that we do on a daily basis is nothing but the best - which is how every florist should function. WELL, NOT my wedding florist. Let's just say that there were lots of tears when I saw my wedding flowers (not happy tears). Being in the business I expected so much out of my wedding flowers and to say that I was disappointed is an understatement. Some of you may be wondering why I did not do them myself, well I did not want to be a bridezilla and no one should have to do their own flowers for their wedding - too much stress! And why did I not hire my boss to do my flowers? Well, when I started my job in February and had my date set in June there was really no question that my boss and co workers would not be doing my flowers (which I was fully aware of, but would TOTALLY go back in time now and BEG and PLEAD for them to make it happen : ). Not only could they not do my flowers, there were not able to attend my wedding either : ( I work in Nashville and my wedding was in Louisville so between the 3 hour drive and having 8 weddings that weekend I knew that there was no way they could be there.

My mom and I were determined to hire seasoned professionals to do basically everything so we did not have to run around on the wedding day doing last minute details (we THOUGHT we had hired seasoned professionals - I will blog about all of them later *not all of our vendors disappointed us, but more than one) We wanted to enjoy the day, which I did!

I had a very relaxing day with my bridesmaids, parents, and some other family members at my parents house. My dad mixed mimosas all day for us girls, my uncle was a busy bee straightening the kitchen and making sure my parent's house was not destroyed by all the "controlled" chaos, my mom was able to relax (some) and hang with us girls and some of my family dropped in throughout the day. It was great. I got to spend time with all my bridesmaids: my best friend since 7th grade, my best friend from college/Phi Mu, my sister in law, and my 2 future sister in laws (Matt's sisters). I look back and really that was one of the best parts of the day. I was surrounded by people who loved me and I felt so at ease because I knew that I was marrying my best friend. I was not nervous at all and was surprisingly super calm...

Okay, that is all for today - I have been on Pinterest all morning and now it is time for me to get things done (Christmas decorating, cleaning, and run errands). I will hopefully blog more tomorrow about the wedding and my HORRIBLE florist! I do want you to know that I am fully aware that my wedding is a minuscule thing in life and that there are so many more important things out there to worry about. I am just a girl who needs an outlet and has real emotions and needs some way to get them out. Cheers to you all, hope you are all getting ready for Thanksgiving! We are hosting Matt's family this year and I am excited to use some of our wedding gifts for entertaining!

1 comment:

  1. Love the post. I too was disapointed with my flowers. My wedding cake wasn't as GRAND as I had wanted or (paid) for it to be. I HATE looking at Pintrest and seeing wedding pictures or bridal magazines. I don't like to watch bridal shows anymore either. I had a magical day but there were aspects I wish I could change. We should chat sometime! I like knowing someone else feels the same way!

    -Sarah Brandenburg
