Monday, June 18, 2012

the move to Louisville: part 1

to blog or not to blog? that is the question... I have gone over this in my head a lot. Matt is always encouraging me to start up again, but I always just shrug it off. I am thinking of changing the layout and look maybe to freshen it up a bit! besides not blogging I have been somewhat busy lately - I will give you an update on our life happenings as of lately...

we moved to Louisville! after about 6 months of Matt applying for jobs he finally got 3 official job offers within TWO days! it was craziness! the Lord was so good to us and I just remember praying on my knees literally and asking him to place us where we needed to be and show us the right path. I really struggled with where I wanted to be ultimately. I knew I didn't want to stay in Bowling Green, after being out of school for a year and a half I was ready to move out of the somewhat college town. I had a great job in Nashville that I really enjoyed, but with working in the wedding business I worked basically every weekend and the husband did not care for that and we missed out on a lot of social things. I was also commuting an hour each way, which was not very fun. our niece was almost 2 years old and I got to see her somewhat frequently but not as much as I would have liked to and our 1 year old nephew was even farther away than our niece, so we had barely even gotten to spend any length of time with him. family is so important to me, but I knew that Matt and I had started our own family so if that meant that we would move to Nashville or clear across the country  I was going to be ok with that.

 so Matt applied to jobs in Nashville and Louisville and Cincinnati (where his family is from) and everywhere else in between! we waited and waited and all of the sudden it was March and I was starting to slightly freak out. I knew that if someone would just give him a face to face interview that he would impress them and be hired! around the beginning of April he had a phone interview and one face to face interview, he thought they went well but no offers yet. a few weeks went by and the face to face interview company wanted him but did not have a specific position for him so it just became a waiting game... we were pretty confident that the face to face interview (in Louisville) was going to offer and they basically did without the paper work so we put our trust in God and planned to move to Louisville. I put in my notice at work (which was so hard, I had learned SOOOO much working there and loved the wedding business - my co workers and boss were like a 2nd family to me - a crazy nutty family, but it was a great job that lead me to a ton of awesome opportunities!)

anyways, I put my notice in at work after quite a few tears and started packing for Louisville... fast forward to the second week of May - less than a week before Matt's graduation... He gets a call from a company in Nashville!! OH MY GOSH I just quit my job in Nashville! so we go to the interview (I tag along for a free nights stay in a hotel) and it goes well and they seem to really want Matt, but no offer yet. the next day or so he gets a call from the same company that my mom works for, a custom home builder. I am crying tears of Joy thanking the Lord for blessing us with more than one interview!!! we head to Louisville for the interview just DAYS before graduation and in the midst of packing for who knows where at this moment! the interview is ok, but the offer not so great. as Matt is leaving that interview somewhat discouraged he gets a call from the ORIGINAL company that we were very confident with the offer saying that it was a done deal!!! he had 24 hours to discuss with me and call the other companies he had interviewed with. we went to sleep that night (in Louisville) thinking that he was going to accept the offer from the original company. I woke up early to greet my niece at the door around 715 am to watch her while my sister in law went to work. a couple hours later Matt comes down stairs and says he got a call from a commercial contractor in Louisville that he had applied for at the beginning of the year. they wanted to know if he had a job yet and if he was still interested. Matt said that he had an offer that he was getting ready to accept. they said come on down if we feel it is the right fit we can also give you an offer today!!! God has been so good to us! Going to wrap it up there for tonight but our story is not finished yet!  stay tuned...

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