Thursday, July 5, 2012

custom (Pottery Barn knock off) door mat

I believe that I registered for a monogrammed door mat for our wedding at Pottery Barn, but did not receive - which I do not blame anyone for not getting it for us because they can cost between $60-$100 - absurd for something you wipe your dirty feet on! SO, I thought I would make my own! I got our door mat at Wal Mart I believe for like 6 bucks. I used my stencil from our custom bar that we ordered on etsy as a custom wall decal  that we ending up not using as a decal and turned it into a stencil instead that can/will be used many many times.  I got the stencil paper from Hobby Lobby and my handy hubby traced the decal and cut out the stencil with an x acto knife.  I have now used this stencil at least 3 times and I am sure will use it more in the future.  You could also do a saying or monogram or whatever on the computer and print it out and trace onto the stencil paper.

I used fabric pant for this project because that is what I had, it would have been a lot easier to do with spray paint, but I did not have any on hand so I just did it by hand with the fabric paint and a foam brush.

This project took me about 20 minutes tops, but would be quicker with spray paint!  The fabric paint took a while to dry, but besides that it worked great!

I think that my rug looks pretty good for about $15 instead of around $100! Let me know if you do one yourself, I would love to see it!

source: Pottery Barn


  1. New follower! :) Love the door mat! So cute!


    1. thank you! I too am in the wedding business and have big dreams in my wedding biz future!

  2. Girl you should go into business!! Love this! Just found your blog :)

  3. Looks great!! Have you been watching Donna??? SO HAPPY SHE IS BACK!!!!!
